About Me

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Since 1984, my light commentary, Marginal Considerations, has been a feature of Weekend Radio. Moving into the 21st century (yeah, I know - a decade late and more than a dollar short), it may be time to explore the format known as "the blog." (Still on the radio, BTW.) I am the author of A Natural History of Socks, illustrated by the late Eric May, You May Already Be a Winner (and other marginal considerations) and The Nonexistence of Rutabagas, plus maybe 1K features, essays, book and arts reviews in newspapers and magazines nearly everywhere, except perhaps Kansas. I live on Lake Erie one city to the west of Cleveland with too many musical instruments, several large plants and no cats. My front door is purple. I collect dust, take up space and burn fossil fuel. I kayak, knit, hike, sing, canoe, write choral music and play hammered dulcimer, but not all at the same time. I read too much and don't write enough, but what's new?

Monday, July 18, 2011

A passing

I write this to mark the recent passing of a woman I barely knew. We may actually have met a few times - I’m not sure - but through my decades as a radio commentator/ reviewer/ columnist/ feature writer and all-purpose ink-stained wretch, this woman would drop a note or phone me about something I had written. 
People will fall all over themselves to call attention to an error or verbally thrash the living daylights out of you for your wrong-headed views but when you hear nothing . . . well, the piece must have been O.K.

This gracious woman took time to let me know when something I had written made her laugh or made her think. She kept an eye out for my by-line and let me know that she enjoyed reading my work. You cannot imagine how much that could mean sometimes. She was thoughtful and witty and oh-so rare, and, of course, I will miss her.

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